
Python3 IRC library

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


pyrclib is a Python 3 IRC library. It can be used to make IRC bots, clients and bouncers.


  • Event-driven
  • Simple to use
  • Supports SSL


You can install the module using pip

pip install pyrclib

Or you can download the files and run setup.py

python setup.py install

You can verify the installation by opening a Python console and importing the module with

import pyrclib

Example bot

This example will show how to make a simple bot.

The source code is available here.

Our bot will just join a channel and will say hi to people who greet it with hi nicebot or hey nicebot.

from pyrclib.bot import IRCBot

class NiceBot(IRCBot):

    def on_privmsg(self, sender, channel, message):
        if message.lower() == 'hi nicebot' or message.lower() == 'hey nicebot':
            self.privmsg(channel, 'Hi {0}!'.format(sender.nick))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    p = NiceBot('NiceBot', 'nicebot', 'Nice Bot')
    p.connect('irc.eu.rizon.net', 6667)
23:40 <@martin> hi NiceBot
23:40 < NiceBot> Hi martin!

What does each line mean?


First, we need to import IRCBot module

from pyrclib.bot import IRCBot

This part initializes our bot's internal properties.

Overriding on_privmsg event

def on_privmsg(self, sender, channel, message):

With this, we are '''overriding''' the on_privmsg event.

This event is called on every channel message received.

IRCBot's default action is to just ignore this event, by overriding it we will add our custom behavior to our bot.

The three arguments to this function are:

  • sender an object containing sender's nick, user and host.

For example, if sender was martin!~abc@my.cool.host.net, sender will be:

sender.nick = 'martin'
sender.user = '~abc'
sender.host = 'my.cool.host.net'
  • channel the channel this message was sent to.
  • message the content of this message.

Start the bot and connect

The last part, after

if __name__ == '__main__':

will be executed when you run this python file with python filename.py.

Here we'll need to initialize the bot with a nick/user/realname:

	p = NiceBot('NiceBot', 'nicebot', 'Nice Bot')

make it connect to a server:

	p.connect('irc.eu.rizon.net', 6667)

make it join our channel:
