We need your problems


Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko

The Computing Subject Group at Solent University Southampton runs an Industrial Consulting Project module which is delivered to all our 3rd-year students who will be working in groups of five or six to solve "real-world" problems given by a digital industry practitioner or company. The idea of this project is for the students to receive feedback on how they have worked together to solve the problem.

We will be running this module in Semester 2 February - May 2024 and we will need problems ready to give to students from mid-January 2024 The problems to solve will need to fall in the area/fields:

  • Digital design (UI)
  • User Experience (UX)
  • Web development - Front-end or backend or both
  • Cybersecurity
  • Data Analysis
  • Software engineering
  • Networking
  • Anything under the umbrella of computing

What do we need from the problem giver?

  1. A short write-up (one or two sides of A4 max.) of the problem including background/context and some pointers for getting started
  2. Create a 3 to 5-minute video setting out this problem for the students to watch
  3. Then the problem giver will pop back halfway through the semester (beginning/mid-March 2024) to see how they getting on and offer some feedback or direction
  4. Then the problem giver will be part of the panel when the students present their solution and will help in the assessment process (beginning of May 2024).

Interested in getting involved or need more details please contact martin.reid@solent.ac.uk or DM me on Twitter: @WebDevSolent