
A custom WordPress theme for demo purposes at the WP Meetup Karlsruhe

Primary LanguagePHP

WordPress demo theme for the Karlsruhe meetup


The theme makes use of only a single template - page-home.php. It has no name so in order for WordPress to find it, call the home page "Home" with a slug "home".

Dependencies for development

The theme uses bower and npm for dependency management. To install the needed modules run:

  1. npm install
  2. bower install
  3. npm install -g grunt-cli (if you don't have grunt installed)

Development and asset compilation

Once the dependencies are installed, If your text editor is Sublime Text, you can run use the takana grunt task to auto update the browser while editing the .scss files. Run grunt live in the terminal to start takana.

With grunt watch you can observe the theme folder for file changes and reload the browser automatically with LiveReload.

Check out the Gruntfile for the registered tasks.