
Git hooks for my PHP projects

Primary LanguageShell

Git pre-commit & commit-msg hooks

  • pre-commit - for checking php syntax and coding standards
  • commit-msg - for checking if commit message contains issue number



Clone this repo to you home dir:

git clone https://github.com/martinssipenko/php-git-hooks.git /home/<username>/php-git-hooks

Allow files to be executed:

chmod -R +x /home/<username>/php-git-hooks/

Create a symlinks:

ln -s /home/<username>/php-git-hooks/pre-commit /home/<username>/<you_repo>/.git/hooks/pre-commit ln -s /home/<username>/php-git-hooks/commit-msg /home/<username>/<you_repo>/.git/hooks/commit-msg


This script runs only on unix, feel free to modify.