
Play spyfall with your friends remotely

Primary LanguageElixir


What this software does

Ask your friends to visit the url where this website is deployed. Once everyone is there (you'll be able to see who's online), you can deal cards to everyone so that only they see their card. Now you can play the game over whatever chat you prefer. 🕵️👀

The game

Spyfall can be played by group of anywhere from three to twelve people. The game has a number of small card decks each containing one spy card and the rest showing a location (the same location for each card in one deck). Before starting the game, all the decks should be face-down with the spy card on the bottom.

  1. Pick a random deck and take one card off the bottom per player. This ensures one card will be the spy card.
  2. Shuffle and deal these cards face-down.
  3. Give everyone a moment to look at their card.
  4. Start a timer, for example for 12 minutes
  5. Now, take turns asking questions. Whoever answered last asks the next question, directed at someone. Dealer can ask first.
  6. At any point, if the spy figures out the location, they can stop the game and take a guess. If they guess right, the spy wins.
  7. At any point, anyone can accuse someone of being the spy. There will now be a vote, and if a majority agree, the accused must reveal their card. If they are the spy, the spy loses, if they're not, the real spy wins. Each player can only accuse once.
  8. When time runs out, everyone gets a chance to accuse someone of being the spy. Take turns until there's a majority.

How to use

To start:

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Install Node.js dependencies with cd assets && npm install
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.