
Collection of scripts I use to automate the process of downloading tv shows with transmission

Primary LanguagePython

Collection of various scripts I used to extend transmission

Here is a small explanations of all the scripts. I'll try to update them often, making them better and better !

Last update:

Change log to handle syslog. The local0 file is used ! Change script to use deluge. Why deluge ? Cause with flexget, the ratio and sorting can be automated in a better way ...

To do:

test syslog and improves rsync log (duplicates & stuff)

Description of the scripts:

create_db.py - small python script to create local database to store tv shows information (avoiding over-asking tvdb database)

finish.sh - called by transmission when a torrent has finish downloading. It starts other scripts

generate_rss.py - does what the name is saying ;) Using a local sqlite database to store tv show information (name of the episode)

log_flexget.sh - very simple script to log flexget downloads

rm_seeded_torrent.sh - script called every hour : check ratio of seeding torrent and remove torrent with a sufficient ratio.

rm_torrent.sh - simple script to remove a torrent in transmission using his id

send_prowl.py - simple python script to send notification to prowl (growl like system for phone notification)

synchro.sh - rsync script to copy data of my local server at home

tool_renamer.sh - I always forget how to batch rename file using bash. This tool makes my life easier

torrent_ended.py - when a torrent is finished : checks if it's a tv show or not.

  • If yes : creates a symlink (to be able to seed) to a sorted directory (tv/tvshowname/seasonnumber/file)

  • If no : move to a private section where I will manually (:() move it

torrent_sended.py - removes the symlink previously created

update_blocklist.sh - script called once a week to update blocklist