Model of elevator system using DEVS

DEVS, Discrete Event System Specification, is a modular and hierarchical formalism for modeling and analyzing general systems.

This project implements simple elevator, which collects passengers along the way if they want to go in the same direction as the elevator goes at the moment. If they want to go in the opposite direction, elevator will return to the floor as soon as it finishes current journey.


Create Python virtual environment

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate



  • see and adjust parameters of the model.
  • important parameter is SIMULATION_REAL_TIME_SCALE which sets how fast will the simulation run in the GUI


  • python to display the window with graphical user interface
  • python to run simulation of elevator model with only console output


The project was created as team homework within lessons of Intelligent systems (SIN) at Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology, 2016. Team consisted of Martin Veselovsky, Marek Dokulil and Marek Skalnik.