A new Flutter project.
Bullsheet Generator scrapes common job finding websites and compiles a list of jobs you could have potentially applied for.
Gov UK has a search option the query looks like this $baseUrl/search?adv=1&qor=sales%20assistant&w=ws100hx&d=10&pp=50&sb=date&sd=down This is a search for a sales assistant within 10 miles of the postcode spaces are encoded to %20 Job Title = qor=sales%20assistant PostCode = w=ws100hx Radius = d=10 Items per page = pp=50 sb=date&sd=down appear to be sort by and sort direction
Total Jobs has a search option the query looks like this $baseUrl/jobs/sales-assistant/in-ws10-0hx?radius=10 This is a search for a sales assistant within 10 miles of the postcode spaces are not encoded and are replaced with a - fields are self-explanatory other than the "in" query on the postcode. Post code must have a space (-) and radius can only be 5 or 10
Indeed tries to change the location when the radius is changed for instance searching for the postcode is fine but then changing the radius changes the location to the city the postcode is in however searching directly in the url seems to work This is a search for a sales assistant within 10 miles of the postcode $baseUrl/jobs?q=Sales%20Assistant&l=WS10%200HX&radius=10&vjk=9eb2e6b6e6a119d5 spaces are encoded to %20 Job Title = q=Sales%20Assistant PostCode = l=WS10%200HX Radius = radius=10 vjk = no idea removing doesn't seem to affect the query