
A Python parser for scraping NBA data.

Primary LanguagePython

NBA Parser

A Python parser for scraping NBA data from basketball-reference.com.


Just clone this repository. No further installation needed.

git clone https://github.com/martosinc/nba-parser


Run python main.py. Depending on what do you want to do type 1, 2 or 12: Load dates(1) or create dataset(2) or both(12).

Loading dates

If you want to load dates type in start and end date (YYYY-MM-DD).
All loaded data is stored in /data folder. Each game is a folder (/YYYY-MM-DDTM1-TM2) stored in its appropiate season folder. Each game folder consists of 5 .csv files: Basic and Advanced stats of every player for each team in separate files and Factors of both teams in one file; as well as inactive.json file, containing inactive players for each team.