Next.js plugin to transpile code from node_modules. Please see:
Pinned issues
- 22
Can't build CSS(Next.js v13)
#283 opened by KushibikiMashu - 1
support next 14 ?
#300 opened by hongdeyuan - 0
Missing issuer in Webpack Rule breaks build
#299 opened by droegier - 0
How to include nested package when using pnpm?
#298 opened by linwu-hi - 4
Transpile @mui/material with this module
#297 opened by pereriksson - 1
Next.js build failing because of `TypeError` on webpack `watchOptions.ignored` type change
#292 opened by ardeshireshghi - 0
On temporarily re-opening next-transpile-modules
#291 opened by martpie - 3
How it can support sourcemap for third party libarary installed node_modules
#256 opened by tianyingchun - 0
- 3
Unable to build project
#285 opened by Evanion - 4
After using `withTM`, get `CSS Modules cannot be imported from within node_modules.` when importing css module from local folder
#275 opened by zh3ngyuan - 0
- 4
Typescript tsconfig paths not working
#272 opened by carlos-algms - 0
Turborepo with custom server in Typescript fails during Heroku start after build, couldn't load next.config.js file #1825
#273 opened by clumsier - 8
An error occurred when "next build" with docker
#258 opened by yuuk - 3
Turborepo + Windows + Docker
#261 opened by phoenixVS - 5
Module not found for transitive ESM modules
#264 opened by shishkin - 2
Make packages that are transpiled nonManaged
#257 opened by paales - 0
- 5
Support next.config.mjs
#255 opened by slavb18 - 3
CSS Specificity issue with transpiled packages
#243 opened by m0agh - 0
Error compiling SASS files in Next.js 12.0.4 / next-transpile-modules 9.0.0
#250 opened by AndreSilva1993 - 18
Hot Reload doesn't work with linked modules
#236 opened by AndrewPopa96 - 18
Support next.js 13
#280 opened by vpontis - 1
How to include nested package when using pnpm?
#288 opened by viewerw - 5
Broken with experimental app directory!
#287 opened by rafegoldberg - 10
- 7
NextJS v13.0.1 breaks transpile
#282 opened by dohomi - 1
Build failed: nextGlobalCssLoader.include will be null if experimental.appDir is true in nextjs 12.3.1
#278 opened by ssehacker - 4
[Question] - Using this with local packages also consumed by Google Cloud Functions
#267 opened by pip8786 - 5
escalade: Module not found: Can't resolve 'fs'
#269 opened by dmitry-sidorov - 1
Will it support stylus in feature?
#268 opened by Creabine - 2
Support SWC Loader
#266 opened by ScriptedAlchemy - 3
Question - Why is this package still needed when Nextjs 12 supports ES Modules?
#265 opened by jeremytenjo - 5
- 7
- 5
- 1
- 0
Can't load with next-compose-plugins
#254 opened by OskarD - 3
Adding examples of using next-transpile-modules in custom SSR (without NextJS)
#252 opened by morsmodr - 1
Needs esmExternals: 'loose'
#249 opened by WillSquire - 0
I want to use withImages, withTM at the same time...,so how can I achieve it
#245 opened by cl510804194 - 1
Transpiled module imports dependency as async when it has a nested dependency with {type: "module"}
#242 opened by ewnd9 - 3
Nextjs 12.0.1
#244 opened by paales - 3
next 12
#241 opened by cherepanov - 13
Cannot resolve swiper@7 with next@10
#238 opened by neo - 4
- 2
- 3
- 1
@babylonjs/inspector cannot be transpiled
#231 opened by saidmoya12