
๐Ÿฆ Clean and elegant distraction-free writing for NeoVim.

Primary LanguageLuaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

๐Ÿฆ TrueZen.nvim

Clean and elegant distraction-free writing for NeoVim.

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Ataraxis Mode

Minimalist Mode

Focus Mode


TrueZen.nvim is a NeoVim plugin written in Lua that aims to provide a cleaner and less cluttered interface [than usual] when toggled in either of it's three different modes (Ataraxis, Minimalist and Focus). It can be installed with your favorite plugin manager and has some sane defaults so that you can just execute ':TZAtaraxis' to get started!

๐ŸŒฒ Table of Contents

๐ŸŽ Features

  • Can deactivate UI components separately
    • Left: (relative)numbers, signcolumn
    • Top: tabline
    • Bottom: laststatus, ruler, showmode, showcmd, cmdheight
  • Three different modes!
    • Minimalist mode: hides UI components.
    • Focus mode: maximizes current window. (has two different focusing methods)
    • Ataraxis mode: same as 'Minimalist mode' but adds "padding" and other cool stuff (e.g. setting an ideal writing area width).
      • Padding can be set manually or automatically.
  • Highly customizable
  • Custom cursor that changes shape according to current vi-mode
  • You can still cycle through open buffers even when you can't see them in the UI
  • Non nonsensical
  • Can launch at startup if needed
  • Can execute code at certain events
  • Integrations with other plugins/stuff

๐Ÿ“บ Notices

  • 15-07-21: Fixed #36.
  • 14-07-21: Added feature requested by #35.
  • 06-07-21: Added lualine integration.
  • 03-07-21: Fixed #31
  • 30-06-21: Everything was refactored, improved and simplified.
  • 29-06-21: Added nvim-bufferline.lua integration + Ataraxis mode doesn't break anymore if the window layout changes.
  • 19-06-21: Fixed bug with Focus mode.
  • 18-06-21: Fixed small bugs with various features (hi groups, storing settings, ...)
  • 04-06-21: Added setting for controlling Hi Groups affected by TrueZen.
  • 03-06-21: Added events for the mode Focus.
  • 28-05-21: Added option to keep default fold fillchars.
  • 08-05-21: Added option for using :q to untoggle Ataraxis.
  • 06-05-21: Added option for setting arbitrary padding for each one of the sides before entering Ataraxis. Also, fixed Galaxyline bug.
  • 05-05-21: Added option for storing and restoring user settings for Minimalist mode, Ataraxis mode and UI related.

๐Ÿ“ฆ Installation


Adding the plugin

You can use your favorite plugin manager for this. Here are some examples with the most popular ones:


Plug 'Pocco81/TrueZen.nvim'


use "Pocco81/TrueZen.nvim"


Plugin 'Pocco81/TrueZen.nvim'


NeoBundleFetch 'Pocco81/TrueZen.nvim'

Setup (configuration)

These are the default settings:

ui = {
	bottom = {
		laststatus = 0,
		ruler = false,
		showmode = false,
		showcmd = false,
		cmdheight = 1,
	top = {
		showtabline = 0,
	left = {
		number = false,
		relativenumber = false,
		signcolumn = "no",
modes = {
	ataraxis = {
		left_padding = 32,
		right_padding = 32,
		top_padding = 1,
		bottom_padding = 1,
		ideal_writing_area_width = {0},
		just_do_it_for_me = true,
		keep_default_fold_fillchars = true,
		custome_bg = "",
		bg_configuration = true,
		affected_higroups = {NonText = {}, FoldColumn = {}, ColorColumn = {}, VertSplit = {}, StatusLine = {}, StatusLineNC = {}, SignColumn = {}}
	focus = {
		margin_of_error = 5,
		focus_method = "experimental"
integrations = {
	vim_gitgutter = false,
	galaxyline = false,
	tmux = false,
	gitsigns = false,
	nvim_bufferline = false,
	limelight = false,
	vim_airline = false,
	vim_powerline = false,
	vim_signify = false,
	express_line = false,
	lualine = false,
misc = {
	on_off_commands = false,
	ui_elements_commands = false,
	cursor_by_mode = false,

The way you setup the settings on your config varies on whether you are using vimL for this or Lua.

For init.lua

local true_zen = require("true-zen")

	ui = {
		bottom = {
			laststatus = 0,
			ruler = false,
			showmode = false,
			showcmd = false,
			cmdheight = 1,
		top = {
			showtabline = 0,
		left = {
			number = false,
			relativenumber = false,
			signcolumn = "no",
	modes = {
		ataraxis = {
			left_padding = 32,
			right_padding = 32,
			top_padding = 1,
			bottom_padding = 1,
			ideal_writing_area_width = {0},
			just_do_it_for_me = true,
			keep_default_fold_fillchars = true,
			custome_bg = "",
			bg_configuration = true,
			affected_higroups = {NonText = {}, FoldColumn = {}, ColorColumn = {}, VertSplit = {}, StatusLine = {}, StatusLineNC = {}, SignColumn = {}}
		focus = {
			margin_of_error = 5,
			focus_method = "experimental"
	integrations = {
		vim_gitgutter = false,
		galaxyline = false,
		tmux = false,
		gitsigns = false,
		nvim_bufferline = false,
		limelight = false,
		vim_airline = false,
		vim_powerline = false,
		vim_signify = false,
		express_line = false,
		lualine = false,
	misc = {
		on_off_commands = false,
		ui_elements_commands = false,
		cursor_by_mode = false,

For init.vim

lua << EOF
local true_zen = require("true-zen")

	ui = {
		bottom = {
			laststatus = 0,
			ruler = false,
			showmode = false,
			showcmd = false,
			cmdheight = 1,
		top = {
			showtabline = 0,
		left = {
			number = false,
			relativenumber = false,
			signcolumn = "no",
	modes = {
		ataraxis = {
			left_padding = 32,
			right_padding = 32,
			top_padding = 1,
			bottom_padding = 1,
			ideal_writing_area_width = {0},
			just_do_it_for_me = true,
			keep_default_fold_fillchars = true,
			custome_bg = "",
			bg_configuration = true,
			affected_higroups = {NonText = {}, FoldColumn = {}, ColorColumn = {}, VertSplit = {}, StatusLine = {}, StatusLineNC = {}, SignColumn = {}}
		focus = {
			margin_of_error = 5,
			focus_method = "experimental"
	integrations = {
		vim_gitgutter = false,
		galaxyline = false,
		tmux = false,
		gitsigns = false,
		nvim_bufferline = false,
		limelight = false,
		vim_airline = false,
		vim_powerline = false,
		vim_signify = false,
		express_line = false,
		lualine = false,
	misc = {
		on_off_commands = false,
		ui_elements_commands = false,
		cursor_by_mode = false,

For instructions on how to configure the plugin, check out the configuration section.


This depends on your plugin manager. If, for example, you are using Packer.nvim, you can update it with this command:


๐Ÿค– Usage (commands)

All the commands follow the camel casing naming convention and have the TZ prefix so that it's easy to remember that they are part of this plugin. These are all of them:


  • :TZMinimalist toggles Minimalist mode. Activates/deactivates NeoVim's UI components from the left, bottom and top of NeoVim on all the buffers you enter in the current session.
  • :TZFocus toggles Focus mode. Maximizes/minimizes the current window.
  • :TZAtaraxis toggles Ataraxis mode. Ataraxis is kind of a "super extension" of Minimalist mode that uses it for deactivating UI components, however, it also provides padding to all buffers in the current session + makes use of the different integrations. Furthermore, you could also set values for the padding of the left (l), right (r), top (t), and bottom (b) of the Ataraxis instance you are about to spawn. This values are optional and when given their equivalent from the config is ignored. They should be separated by spaces and the format they should have is: <(l)eft/(r)ight>/(t)op/(b)ottom<number_of_cells>. Here is an example:
:TZAtaraxis l10 r10 t3 b1

Note: it's not mandatory to give all four of them.

UI Elements

  • :TZBottom toggles the bottom part of NeoVim's UI. It toggles: laststatus, ruler, showmode, showcmd, and cmdheight.
  • :TZTop toggles the top part of NeoVim's UI. It toggles: tabline.
  • :TZLeft toggles the left part of NeoVim's UI. It toggles: numbers, relative numbers, and signcolumn.


  • :TZAtaraxisOn turns on Ataraxis mode.
  • :TZAtaraxisOff turns off Ataraxis mode.
  • :TZMinimalistOn turns on Minimalist mode.
  • :TZMinimalistOff turns off Minimalist mode.
  • :TZFocusOn turns on Focus mode
  • :TZFocusOff turns off Focus mode

The following commands are enabled is the ui_elements_commands setting is set to true as well:

  • :TZBottomOn show bottom UI parts.
  • :TZBottomOff hide bottom UI parts.
  • :TZTopOn show top UI parts.
  • :TZTopOff hide top UI parts.
  • :TZLeftOn show left UI parts.
  • :TZLeftOff hide left UI parts

๐Ÿ‰ Configuration

Although settings already have self-explanatory names, here is where you can find info about each one of them and their classifications!


These settings are part of the ui = {} table and control Nvim's UI when toggling either Minimalist or Ataraxis mode. Those settings have the exact same names they have in NeoVim, so there is no need to explain what they do. If you need help with any of them use :help <setting_name>. Note that every setting belongs to a table that represents the part of the UI they are part of, for example: the setting showtabline is part of the top = {} table because visually it's part of the top part of NeoVim.


They are part of the modes = {} table and control the settings for the different modes TrueZen provides!


  • left_padding: (Integer) sets padding for the left.
  • right_padding: (Integer) sets padding for the right.
  • top_padding: (Integer) sets padding for the top.
  • bottom_padding: (Integer) sets padding for the bottom.
  • just_do_it_for_me: (Boolean) if true, it will ignore left_padding and right_padding and will set them for you.
  • keep_default_fold_fillchars: (Boolean) Keep default fold fillchars. Useful if you want the mouse to keep working.
  • ideal_writing_area_width: (Table) sets an ideal width for the writing area. It can receive up to 3 values ({<int -> min_width>, <int -> max_width>, <str -> "min"/"max">}) but only one is needed for it to work. Passing a 0 to the table disables it, anything grater than does the opposite. It simply ensures a writing area of the given size regardless of the ui's proportions where possible. If only <min_width> is passed, then that value is the ideal writing area. Useful for people with multiple monitors that don't use a terminal multiplexer or resize it often. If <min_width> and <max_width> are passed, it defines a range to pick the writing area from, where the first value is the minimum width it can have and the second value is the maximum. Useful for people with terminal multiplexers/that resize the terminal a lot. If <min_width>, <max_width> and <"min"/"max"> are passed, the same as passing the two values will happen but it will try pick either the "max" or the "min" width where possible.
  • affected_higroups: (Table) receives a table with all of the Hi Groups that get affected by TrueZen. Every key must match the name of an existing hi group and every value must be an empty table.
  • bg_configuration: (Boolean) if true, allows TrueZen to interact with the user's background. Set it to false only if you are having problems with it. (Note: Refer to the FAQ about this)
  • custome_bg (String) used for setting a backgroups color if your colorscheme doesn't provide one already/you don't want to set one for Nvim as a whole but only for TrueZen.nvim. If you already have a BG color, leave the quotes empty. Refer to the FAQ about this.


  • margin_of_error: (Integer > 1) adjusts MOE (margin of error). Less = more precision, however, it's recommended to keep the defaults, or at least a number >= 2. This only matters if focus_method is set to "native".
  • focus_method: (String: "native"/"experimental") sets focusing method. "native" uses "vim's way" of focusing windows. The drawback of this method is that it tends to break if you resize the terminal. "experimental" is a new way of focusing windows that allows for free terminal resizing.


These settings are part of the integrations = {} table and can be used to enable or disable integrations.

  • galaxyline: (Boolean) if true, hides galaxyline when Ataraxis mode is on and toggles it back on after exiting it.
  • vim_airline: (Boolean) if true, hides vim airline when Ataraxis mode is on and toggles it back on after exiting it.
  • vim_powerline: (Boolean) if true, hides vim powerline when Ataraxis mode is on and toggles it back on after exiting it.
  • express_line: (Boolean) if true, hides expressline when Ataraxis mode is on and toggles it back on after exiting it.
  • lualine: (Boolean) if true, hides lualine when Ataraxis mode is on and toggles it back on after exiting it.
  • tmux: (Boolean) if true, hides Tmuxs' statusline when Ataraxis mode is on and toggles it back on after exiting it.
  • gitgutter: (Boolean) if true, disables Gitgutter when Ataraxis mode is on and toggles it back on after exiting it.
  • vim_signify: (Boolean) if true, disables Vim Signify when Ataraxis mode is on and toggles it back on after exiting it.
  • limelight: (Boolean) if true, enables Limelight when Ataraxis mode is on and toggles it back off after exiting it.
  • gitsigns: (Boolean) if true, disables Gitsigns' elements when Ataraxis mode is on and enables them after exiting it.


  • on_off_commands: (Boolean) if true, enables On/Off commands.
  • ui_elements_commands: (Boolean) if true, enables commands for the UI elements.
  • cursor_by_mode: (Boolean) if true, changes the cursors' shape according to the current Vi mode. Useful for when the statuline and showmode are hidden so that one can easily identify the current mode.


Use them to execute code at certain events [described by the names they have]. These are the ones available:

Mode Function Name
Focus before_mode_focus_on
Focus after_mode_focus_on
Focus before_mode_focus_off
Focus after_mode_focus_off
Minimalist before_mode_minimalist_on
Minimalist after_mode_minimalist_on
Minimalist before_mode_minimalist_off
Minimalist after_mode_minimalist_off
Ataraxis before_mode_ataraxis_on
Ataraxis after_mode_ataraxis_on
Ataraxis before_mode_ataraxis_off
Ataraxis after_mode_ataraxis_off

They can be used like so:

local true_zen = require("true-zen")

true_zen.after_mode_ataraxis_on = function ()

๐Ÿงป Key-bindings

There are no default key-bindings. However, you can set them on your own as you'd normally do! Here is an example mapping <F12> to toggle Ataraxis mode:

For init.lua

vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<F12>", [[<Cmd>TZAtaraxis<CR>]], opt)

For init.vim

map <F12> :TZAtaraxis<CR>

๐Ÿ™‹ FAQ

  • Q: "How can I make it launch at startup?"
  • A: Easy! Just copy and paste this:

For init.lua:

vim.cmd("autocmd VimEnter * TZAtaraxis")

For init.vim:

autocmd VimEnter * TZAtaraxis
  • Q: "How can I view the doc from NeoVim?"

  • A: Use :help TrueZen.nvim

  • Q: "Why isn't my statusline being hidden when I toggle Ataraxis mode?"

  • A: If your statusline does not have an integration, TrueZen will try its best to hide it. If it fails, then open an issue and request for the integration, and in the mean time use the built-in events.

  • Q: Getting this error: E420: BG color unknown. How do I solve this?

  • A: This issue occurs because:

  1. You don't have set termguicolors in your init.vim (or vim.cmd("set termguicolors") in your init.lua). If that didn't help, use the custome_bg = "<hex_code>/<normal_color>" setting to set a bg color for TrueZen, this solution should deffinately work. This will set a bg for TrueZen to use. If possible try to set it to match your normal Nvim background color.


  1. Your current colorscheme doesn't provide a background (bg) color. To test the latter, run this command: highlight StatusLineNC ctermfg=bg ctermbg=bg guibg=bg guifg=bg. If you get an error, you can follow the above case's intructions to set it only for TrueZen or you could add the hi so that it'll affect nvim as a whole:
hi NORMAL guibg=<color/hex_code>
" e.g.:
" hi NORMAL guibg=#1e222a

If you don't fit in either of the above cases/the fixes didn't work for you, then disable BG interaction between TrueZen and NeoVim (your colorscheme in this case) with the disable_bg_configuration setting under the ataraxis = {} table.

If you already tried everything of the above and nothing worked (which I doubt), then it's an issue with your Colorscheme, not a TrueZen.nvim one!

๐Ÿซ‚ Contribute

Pull Requests are welcomed as long as they are properly justified and there are no conflicts. If your PR has something to do with the README or in general related with the documentation, I'll gladly merge it! Also, when writing code for the project you must use the .editorconfig file on your editor so as to "maintain consistent coding styles". For instructions on how to use this file refer to EditorConfig's website.

๐Ÿ’ญ Inspirations

The following projects inspired the creation of TrueZen.nvim. If possible, go check them out to see why they are so amazing :]

๐Ÿ“œ License

TrueZen.nvim is released under the GPL v3.0 license. It grants open-source permissions for users including:

  • The right to download and run the software freely
  • The right to make changes to the software as desired
  • The right to redistribute copies of the software
  • The right to modify and distribute copies of new versions of the software

For more convoluted language, see the LICENSE file.

๐Ÿ“‹ TO-DO

High Priority:

  • None

Low Priority:

  • None
