
UI framework built from ground, powered by HTML5 canvas and JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

UI Framework built from ground up, powered by HTML5 Canvas.


License: MIT
Version: 0.0.0
Status: Very early phase. Many of the following info can be obsolete and is subject to change.


Architecture Runloop Interaction

Coding Style

  1. public methods: ClassName.prototype.publicMethod = function(args) {};
  2. protected methods: ClassName.prototype._protectedMethod = function(args) {};
  3. private methods: defined as function _privateMethod () {} in Closure.

Some ideas

  1. core and main modules don't have to namespace their contributed public methods.

  2. 3rd-party moduels and plugins MUST namespace their contributed public methods. plugins are not first-class citizen, in terms that they can only bring in instance methods. 3rd-party module, however, has the full ability as the first-party module. e.g. create sub-namespace under OOPCanvas, and contribute the static class, properties and configurations.

  3. module can be defined as a function or an object. if module is defined a function, it will not have submodules. If module has submodules, it needs to be defined as an object, and each of its submodules can be either a function or object.


It seems that hitTest adds quite a lot performace overhead. Add grouping will probably scale down the hitTest process.
Need to re-evaluate if isHitTestVisible should be true by default and its performance implication even when subclass does not override hittest method.