
Create randomized exams in PDF, based on a data base of exercises and using Latex.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Fast Exam

Create randomized exams based on a data base of exercises. The program supports closed-answer quiz, open questions and random exercises. It creates and compiles a Latex document using the exam class to produce the exam text and solution PDF.

Try the following command and observe the created documents:

./fast-exam --randomorder --quizbegin --quizrandom --solutionsummary


You need Python3 and Latex installed, on a Linux or MacOS machine. Probably the software runs in Windows as well. You need the pyyaml jinja2 packages, that you can install with pip.


The program runs on a database of quiz, open questions and exercises. The database is contained in a folder and consists of one or more .yml files.

Each file contains one or more questions, and all questions in a file build a group of questions and are identified by the name of the file. For example, the sample-db folder contains a file called bash.yml that defines the bash group of questions consisting of all entries in that file.

Fast Exam selects a certain number of questions from each section as configured by the user. This is done with --structure STRUCTURE command-line switch. The STRUCTURE must be a comma separated list of entries, each in the form group:N, where group indicates from which group to sample questions and N indicates how many. Fro example: if STRUCTURE is bash:2,general:2, Fast Exam creates an exam with 2 questions chosen randomly from the bash group (in the bash.yml file) and 2 questions from the general group (in the general.yml file).

Alternatively, you can cherry pick questions from the DB. To this end, the structure entry must be in the form group:+i+j+..., which means that the test will include questions having index i, j, etc, in the database file. Notice that question index starts from 0.

Then, Fast Exam creates a configurable number of different versions of the exam by shuffling the questions and optionally the quiz answers.

The questions can be of three types:


Questions of type quiz are classical closed-answer quiz. Fast Exam can shuffle the choice order and highlight the correct answer in the solution PDF. They are created with the following form:

- question: The question of the quiz
  type: quiz
  - Option 1
  - Option 2
  solution: 1 # Index of correct answer. Index start from 0

Open Questions

Questions of type open are classical open-answer questions, where a blank space is left for the answer. Fast Exam can optionally print a solution text in the solution PDF. Set codestyle: true if the solution is a piece code, thus must be printed as texttt and escaping Latex syntax. You can set solutionfontsize: N to print the solution with font size of <N>pt (default is 10).

- question: Text of the exercise
  type: open
  height: 5cm # How tall is the box for the student to write. Default 5cm
  solution: Solution text, optional

Dynamic exercises

Finally, questions can be exercise, which is the most flexible way. In this way, it possible to create dynamic exercises, where input data (and the solution) are randomized.

The exercise is thus based on a Python code that is executed at each run, included in the handler field of the question. The Python code must define a handler() function, which returns the (randomized) exercise at each invocation. The handler() function must return a dictionary, with keys question and optionally solution. Both fields must the Latex code that is used to build the document.

The handler() function is invoked by Fast Exam for each version, so that exercise parameters are randomized for each version.

A complete example is provided in the exercise.yml file. The fundamental code is below:

- type: exercise
  height: 5cm
  handler: |
    import random
    import math
    def handler():
        return {"question": QUESTION, "solution": ANSWER}



fast-exam [-h] [--date DATE] [--course COURSE] [--professor PROFESSOR] [--institution INSTITUTION] [--versions VERSIONS]
                 [--disclaimer DISCLAIMER] [--db DB] [--structure STRUCTURE] [--outdir OUTDIR] [--lang LANG] [--seed SEED]
                 [--template TEMPLATE] [--keeptex] [--randomorder] [--solutionsummary] [--quizbegin] [--quizrandom]s

The command-line options are:

  • Exam Heading:
    • --date DATE The date of the exam
    • --course COURSE The name of the course
    • --professor PROF The name of the professor
    • --institution INSTITUTION The name of the institution
    • --versions VERSIONS How many versions of the exam to create
    • --disclaimer DISCLAIMER Instructions for the exam to print in the PDF
  • Exam Building:
    • --db DB The folder of the quiz DB
    • --structure STRUCTURE How to sample the DB. Must be a list of group:n entries, separated by comma. E.g., general:1,bash:1,open:1
    • --outdir OUTDIR Where to save PDFs
    • --lang LANG Language. Supported IT and EN
    • --seed SEED Seed of the random
    • --template TEMPLATE Template to use. Defaults to 'template.tex'
    • --keeptex Keep Latex source for further editing
  • Question options:
    • --randomorder If set, randomize the order of questions
    • --quizbegin If set, put all quiz before open questions
    • --quizrandom If set, randomize quiz answer order
    • --solutionsummary Print summary of the correct answers to quiz
    • --quizbox Print a box where students must write answers to quiz, to ease the correction
    • --quizboxend Print a box at the end of the document where students can write quiz answers and cut it to take home the quiz string.