
Regis is a web application that helps customers make appointments with desired professionals. The project plan will include a scope statement, a milestone schedule, team member roles. The project will be overseen by Vilnius University professor Marius Liutvinavičius and managed by team leader Tomas Jonauskas.


The purpose of Regis is to make scheduling appointments easier for both customers and professionals. This web application will provide an easy-to-use calendar tool, which will show customers on which date a professional is a free while at the same time giving them the ability to sign-up for sessions. Furthermore, with the same tool, experts will be able to check their appointment status, manage their schedules, cancel or create sessions, which will, in turn, help them make the most out of their time. Moreover, each visitor will be given a chance to create a personal profile, where they will be able to view all of their personal data.

Getting Started

Technologies required

  • NodeJS
  • Yarn


$ yarn install

Building for development

$ yarn dev

Building for production

$ yarn build
$ yarn start


Contributors names and role info

Name Roles
Tomas Jonauskas Team Lead, Back-end
Almantas Kukalevskij Back-end, documentation, testing
Ugnė Meškuotytė Documentation, design
Nojus Burdaitis Front-end
Martynas Skrebė Back-end, Front-end, deployment