
This is a vagrant for Craft CMS projects

Primary LanguageRuby

Craft Vagrant

This is a vagrant for Craft CMS projects


Firstly, ensure you have Vagrant installed, then:

git clone https://github.com/martynbiz/craft-vagrant myproject
cd myproject
cp Vagrantfile.example Vagrantfile
cp provision.sh.example provision.sh

Add the blog.vagrant domain to the /etc/hosts file:	craft.vagrant

This domain can be changed if preferred. See optional changes below.

Optional changes

Make whatever changes you need to VagrantFile and provision.sh (or leave as is for default configuration). Below are some recommended/optional changes:

Change network IP and/or domain

The are a couple changes required:


config.vm.network "private_network", ip: "<new IP address>"

This new IP address must match the IP address in /etc/hosts.

Also, if changing the domain, find instances of blog.vagrant in provision.sh file and change those to the new domain if that has changed too.

Run vagrant

Now that provision.sh and Vagrantfile are ready, start up the vagrant instance:

vagrant up

It should now be possible to view the new blog in the browser with the domain used. This will be http://craft.vagrant if unchanged.