Full size map http://jsfiddle.net/8PpjH/1/

Things to add to base-theme: (if i start a new project from this one - merge in the current branch, then remove stuff base-theme doesn't need e.g. controllers, views, libraries, etc), commit base-theme, create new branch from that :)



  • look up lat/lng
  • redirect to..?
  • tags

Jump to.. jump to location

Map needs data

  • create some tables, find some buinesses, seed the database
  • create some apis for pulling the data on load

MAP (google maps api, clustering, ui filters) Filters - Food: supermarkets, farmers' market, butchers, greengrocers, bakery, fish mongers, coffee shops, alchohol; co-operatives, indy record shops, second hand ; clothing, On change: reload data http://fronteed.com/iCheck/


  • *_testing database
  • mock auth

Enhancement - mongodb, heavy use of tags?

About: local businesses, local produce, organic (food), ethically sourced (?), Work with us: regional admin - review submitted shops, approve

Splash overlay - what we're about, "OK" button close

Click on result/ pin: open