DevRel Collective Homepage

The DevRel Collective is a collaborative effort of friendly people who want to empower each other to build a stronger, more inclusive community. For the full schpeel, read about the project.


Pull Requests are more than welcome as we coordinate efforts. Here are a few notes to help you along the way.

Editing The Site

Some base content lives in _config.yml like the data from header and footer. If you want to add or remove a section of the page, you can do so from _layouts/default.html. Each section that Jekyll renders is outlined there in a reasonably readable way. You can see the associated content of that section in the _includes/css/ folder.

For example, this section from _layouts/default.html:

 {% include portfolio_grid.html %}

Loads the content defined in _includes/css/portfolio_grid.html. Which is pretty nifty. You can edit our site without knowing more than a little HTML.

Other things you'll want to know:

  • Our fonts are loaded from head.html
  • The description under our logo is from header.html
  • The About section loads from about.html

The portfolio is a little tricky: images are automatically loaded from the img/portfolio folder. The page that loads is in _posts. The mapping of image to post happens in the _posts markdown. This all renders thanks to the modals.html file which I haven't found a good reason to want to edit.


We rock a MIT License. The Jekyll theme is Freelancer. Matt Broberg made the site.