A open source Basic Delivery Management System. Build with Nest Js framework, Remix Js full stack JavaScript React framework, Tailwind CSS, Prisma ORM, and MySQL.
- 123Lez
- 21020391Viet Nam
- AhmedElBanna80
- AliBakrOfficial
- AmirkhonKazan, Russia
- bibekgupta3333Kathmandu, Nepal
- codewebs-orgPoland
- dvvnFrtnBlitar, Jawa Timur
- eudeamonism
- Good4lienMoscow, Russia
- HardsonTsiALX-Holberton School and Institute for Training and Research in Computer Science /University of Abomey-Calavi
- hnriquemartinsCyos Technologies
- ICameTo
- Icarus-afk
- kauatorresPorto Alegre - RS, Brazil
- madaiado
- mahatoHariomCubit pvt
- maruffahmed@Storeware-Apps @wpdevelopers
- minhtetoo31Soft Intelligence
- myatminagAYA Bank
- NayerAliMedrive
- nguyenphuanbmt113HCM city
- opestro
- PhaiWisitThailand
- rgegeo
- solibres
- thanhedward
- trungbachOraichain Labs
- Wallace-BezerraSão Paulo, SP
- wzcheng97
- yel-haddCloudLinux