alt text

User guide


apt update
apt upgrade
pkg install git
pkg install python3
git clone
cd gmail-bomber


sudo apt install git
sudo apt install python3
git clone
cd gmail-bomber

What things to edit before running this process?

open a text editor

if you are on a mobile phone then install Acode or Anwriter from play store

open the file in the editor

gmail id --> replace it with your own gmail account

gmail password --> replace it with your own gmail password

subject --> type your own subject

body --> type your own message inside "", for create a new line type \n

listOfAddress --> enter your target mail addresses. If you have multiple accounts then follow this format ["","","","","",""]

ob.sendmail --> type your username inside ""

save this file

now click here and scroll down and turn on less secure app access

open termux or terminal again

After that run this command
