
This is a mono-repo of tech-trend. Here will contain all backend and front-end files. This readme looks sucks now, I'll update later

Dir Structure

  • collector [where we scrape,parse and the data and store into a CSV. Then to a DB]
  • frontend [where all the front-end code lives]
  • backend [APIs lives there]


This clickhouse installation included with TabiX DB: http://localhost:8123 host: user: default pass: admin

Roadmap (v1)

  • Scrape count from BDJobs
  • Save max count for a day in Database
  • Cron job or serverless function for invoking the collector
  • Backend API for showing the graph
  • Frontend for the graph with comparison
  • Tracing for Backend API
  • Tracing for Collector

Tech Stack

  • Backend
    • Golang
    • PostgresSQL
    • APIs are built upon Echo Framework
    • Database query are using Gorm
    • Bugsnag for bug reporting
  • Collector CLI
    • Golang
    • PostgresSQL
    • Bugsnag for bugs
  • Frontend
    • Nextjs
    • Typescript