
Filters the unittest assertion frame from nose failure tracebacks

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!

Running tests with nose is great! Extending unittest.TestCase and unittest2.TestCase and using their assert*() methods is nifty! Using mocking tools is fun!

It's a shame, though, that nose's post-mortem debugging drops one into the assertion or mocking method's definition rather than the originating call. Sanity is achieved by executing 'u' a bunch of times in pdb, but what if you're too lazy?

nose-curtain to the rescue! Install this plugin and invoke nose thusly:

  nosetests --pdb --pdb-failure --with-curtain

Voila! Failures and errors that were triggered by a testing library will now debug from the call rather than the library.


Given the following test code:

  class TestFoo(unittest2.TestCase):

      def test_foo(self):

And executing the test with:

  nosetests --pdb-failure

Nose will start a post-mortem debugging session when it encounters the assertion failure. Without this plugin, the active stackframe will be at unittest2/case.py's assertFalse method, which is not the source of the failure. With the plugin, the active stackframe will be at test_foo as one would expect.

I still don't get it

Not so fast. NOT SO FAST! I'll have to give the matter a little thought. Go away and come back tomorrow.


  pip install -e git+git://github.com/marun/nose-curtain.git#egg=nose-curtain


The plugin filters tracebacks whose fully qualified filenames end with any of a list of ignored filenames. By default, the following filenames are ignored:


The list of ignored filenames can be overriden by providing a value to curtain-filenames, either on the command line:

  nosetests --pdb --pdb-failure --with-curtain --curtain-filenames=mox.py,unitest.py,unittest2/case.py

or in a config file like ~/.noserc:
