
Pretty debug print golang variables

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


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d is a better way to do print statement debugging.

Type d.D instead of fmt.Printf and your variables will be printed like this:

d output examples

Why is this better than fmt.Printf?

  • Faster to type
  • Pretty-printed vars and expressions
  • Easier to see inside structs
  • Pretty colors!

d is fork of https://github.com/y0ssar1an/q with some differences:

  • Do not include vendor into repository
  • Changed default behaviour - for me is more comfortable to log on stdout or have possibility to change file
  • Settings for removing colors

Basic Usage

import "github.com/marusama/d"
d.D(a, b, c)

// Alternatively, use the . import and you can omit the package name.
// d only exports the D function.
import . "github.com/marusama/d"
D(a, b, c)

For best results, dedicate a terminal to tailing $TMPDIR/d while you work.


go get -u github.com/marusama/d

Editor Integration

Sublime Text

cp $GOPATH/src/github.com/marusama/d/dd.sublime-snippet Packages/User/dd.sublime-snippet


Navigate to your snippets.cson file by either opening ~/.atom/snippets.cson directly or by selecting the Atom > Open Your Snippets menu. You can then add this code snippet to the bottom and save the file:

  'd log':
    'prefix': 'dd'
    'body': 'd.D($1)'

VS Code

In the VS Code menu go to Preferences and choose User Snippets. When the language dropdown menu appears select GO. Add the following snippet to the array of snippets.

"d.D": {
	"prefix": "dd",
	"body": [
	"description": "Quick and dirty debugging output for tired Go programmers"


TBD Send me a PR, please :)

Haven't I seen this somewhere before?

Python programmers will recognize this as a Golang port of the q module by zestyping.

Ping does a great job of explaining q in his awesome lightning talk from PyCon 2013. Watch it! It's funny :)

ping's PyCon 2013 lightning talk


Why d.D?

It's quick to type and unlikely to cause naming collisions.

Is d.D() safe for concurrent use?
