
:ear_of_rice: WordPress REST API endpoints

Primary LanguagePHP


This plugin provides you different endpoints using WordPress REST API.

  • 👤 Login End Point
  • 📃 Create Post End Point

Login Endpoint Demo 📹

When we access the end point on URI: http://your-domain/wp-json/wp/v2/rae/user/login, and we pass our username and password in the body using postman, we get the following with a status code:

  • User Object on success
  • Error when fields are empty or incorrect credentials
  • Any other error.

Create a new post Endpoint Demo 📹

When we access the end point on URI: http://your-domain/wp-json/wp/v2/rae/post/create, and we pass our 'user_id', 'title' and 'content' in the body using postman, we get the following with a status code:

  • New post id if the post is created.
  • Error when fields are empty or if the user with the given id does not have capability to publish posts.
  • Any other error.

Getting Started 📋

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development purposes.

Prerequisites 🚪

You need to have any WordPress theme activated on your WordPress project, which has REST API enabled.

Installation 🔧

  1. Clone the plugin directory in the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install a zipped directory of this plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress

Use 🎿

There are different end points that are available. Some are public while others are protected.

  • 👤 Login End Point http://your-domain/wp-json/wp/v2/rae/user/login

Params to be sent in the body username(String) and password(String) Return Value: User Object or Error (Object)

  • 📃 Create Post End Point http://your-domain/wp-json/wp/v2/rae/post/create

Params to be sent in the body user_id(Int), title(String) and content(String) Return Value: Object with post ID and status or Error (Object)


  • Adds option to add social links in customizer
  • Registers two custom menus for header ( menu location = rwt-menu-header ) and for footer ( menu location = rwt-menu-footer )
  • Registers the following sidebars
  1. RWT Footer #1 with sidebar id 'rwt-sidebar-1'
  2. RWT Footer #2 with sidebar id 'rwt-sidebar-2'
  • Registers custom end points

Available Endpoints:

Get single post ( GET request )

  • http://example.com/wp-json/rae/v1/post?post_id=1

Get posts by page no: ( GET Request )

  • http://example.com/wp-json/rae/v1/posts?page_no=1

Get header and footer date: ( GET Request )

  • Get the header data ( site title, site description , site logo URL, menu items ) and footer data ( footer menu items, social icons )
  • http://example.com/wp-json/rae/v1/header-footer?header_location_id=primary&footer_location_id=secondary

Create new post: ( POST Request )

Contributing 👥

Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


I use Git for versioning.

Author 📝

License 📄
