
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

CST8334 Software Development Project



Justin Mountain moun0048@algonquinlive.com


Angular frontend re-design for YubillY.


These steps need to be taken in order to run the application locally.

# Install node and npm

# Install ionic cli package
npm install -g @ionic/cli

Most of the development work will be done under ./yac/src/app/

Setting up the Local Environment

This command was used to initiate the project.

# Created a new app with
ionic start yac blank --type=angular --capacitor

Running the Application

# Access the app via port 8100
ionic serve

# If you are missing modules try this command from the /yac/ directory
npm ci

Generating New Features

Making New Pages

Pages are the different application endpoints that users can be directed to.

Pages are routable points in the web app.

# Generates a new page called 'dashboard'
ionic g page pages/dashboard

Making New Components

Components are individual building blocks for the application. Components can be nested inside other components.

# Generates a new re-usable component called 'single-receipt'
ionic g component components/single-receipt

Making New Services

This was used for the Authentication service.

Services can be injected into pages with Angular.

# Generates a new service called 'receipts'
ionic g service services/receipts

Making New Interceptors

This was used to create the interceptor to add the access token to subsequent server requests.

# Generates a new interceptor called 'auth'
ionic g interceptor interceptors/auth

Sample Component

The Structure of a Component

The sample component can be found in the following directory:


Inside this directory, there are four files:

  1. sample.component.html
  2. sample.component.scss
  3. sample.component.spec.ts
  4. sample.component.ts

The .html file is like the view or what is being displayed on screen.

The .scss file will hold the css styles that will be used on the component.

The .spec.ts file will be any tests that the component requires.

The .ts file is like the controller or how the component will accomplish its tasks.

Inside sample.component.ts

Please take some time to review the different pieces of the component. Fundamentally, this sample component is completing the sample request given to us as an explanation on how to use Postman.

The class has three pieces:

  1. The responseJSONArray that is used to access the JSON object in the .html file.
  2. The constructure, which should include instantiations of any modules that the class needs access to. In this case, we instantiate an HttpClient.
  3. The ngOnInit() function runs when the class is instantiated or, in other words, when the component is rendered in HTML.

In this sample component, ngOnInit() makes a GET request to the server, then manipulates the response into something that the html component can handle.

Inside sample.component.html

In this example, we're generating one card for each individual object within the server's response. The following logic is in the ion-card component:

*ngFor="let item of responseJSONArray"

The tells Angular to loop over the items in responseJSONArray from the .ts file and to create an ion-card for each object. Inside the ion-card component, we can now access the individual item from the for loop with item[1].key.

We need to use item[1].key because the index of the item is stored at item[0].

Inside /pages/sample/

The sample component is being rendered at the /sample endpoint. See /app/src/app.routes.ts for more information.

Looking inside sample.page.ts shows no logic, but please note that the SampleComponent was imported at the top of the file, as well as under @Components. This is how we tell the dashboard page where to find the components it will need to render to the screen.

The sample.page.html file is equally straight-forward. The ion-header and ion-content components are automatically created when a new page is generated. Lines 14 to 16 show how our sample component is being rendered inside the dashboard page:

<div id="container">

Continuing Development

Please keep the existing file structure:

  1. New pages (user endpoints) should be under /pages/new-page
  2. New components should be under /components/new-component

If you create a new page, you can either start to implement a navigation bar or just directly access the new page at:


When working with calls to the server, use the sample-component as a guide and do not worry about sending the authentication token, that is being handled by /interceptors/auth.interceptor.ts. Please report any server authentication related bugs.

Using Git

Please create a new git branch before pushing to the repository. This avoids merge conflicts with people working in the same files.

# Clone the repo
git clone <repo-link>

# Create a new branch
git branch <name>

# Move to a different branch
git checkout <name>

# Create and move to a new branch
git checkout -b <name

# Push the new branch to the repo
git push --set-upstream origin <name>

Handling Authentication

User authentication is being handled by the Authentication service at /src/app/auth.service.ts.

Authentication Service

The auth.service.ts file contains all of the logic associated with maintaining a connection to the server. The static accessToken is used by the Interceptor to add the token to all subsequent outgoing requests.


Found at src/app/interceptors/auth.interceptor.ts, this file is responsible for intercepting any outgoing messages to the server and adding the correct headers to the request.

Sign In Component

The SignInComponent is an example of how Angular handles forms. It does not contain the logic for actually signing in, it handles gathering the user information and forwards it to the Authenication Service at src/app/auth.service.

To Do

  1. Better user management on incorrect sign in attempts
  2. User Registration
  3. Always re-direct to the sign in page when no accessToken is present
  4. Sign In and Sign Out buttons appearing as relevant
  5. Refresh Tokens
  6. Interceptor needs to not intercept if AuthService.accessToken is empty
  7. More strict user sign in validation


# Angular in 100 seconds

# Angular Crash Course

# Building a blank Ionic project

# Authentication

# Ionic UI Components