
Frostbite Asset Extractor

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Asset extractor for Frostbite 2 games.

Supported games:

  • Battlefield 3
  • Medal of Honor: Warfighter (Some textures are broken)

Help, improvements and PRs are welcome!

Supported RES types:

Type Formats
MeshSet .obj .smd .semodel
DxTexture .dds
Metadata (EBX) .txt (dump)
AssetBank (Animations) .txt (dump)

Supported EBX types:

Type Formats
SoundWaveAsset .wav
SkeletonAsset .smd

Supported AssetBank types:



  • Open the program and click the Load Game button on the bottom right.
  • Select your game install folder (e.g. "C:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Battlefield 3").
  • Wait for all assets to load, then select the assets you wish to export and hit "Export Selection".
  • If you wish to extract unsupported asset types, go to the Settings tab and enable Raw Export.

Exporting Skinned Meshes/Animations

  • Select and export the SkeletonAsset you want to use
  • Export the Mesh/Animation you want to export


  • Exporting animations is slow because the tool has to do a reverse lookup to find some assets needed to resolve channel names.
  • Loading a game can take some time because all asset types need to be resolved prior to export


IceBloc also comes with a (basic) console tool if you prefer to use that over the UI.

These commands are available:

  • load game <path> Loads all game files.
  • load file <path> Loads a single file.
  • dump <ResType> <path> Dumps all contents of a raw file to a text file.
  • setgame <name> Manually override the current game (See Settings.cs for valid names).
  • hash <string> Returns a FNV1 hash from any given string
  • select <name> Select an asset for export
  • export Export the selection


  • Support Patch/DLCs
  • Support NonCas bundles (e.g. voice lines in BF3)

Build dependencies

  • NET 7.0
  • VS2022