
Integration to automatically fill in prices for charge data captured by TeslaMate for smart energy providers

Primary LanguageC#



This app will automatically update your cost for charge sessions in TeslaMate within a specified geofence (usually home) using data from your smart electricity tariff.

Supported energy providers / tarriffs:

How to use

You can either use it in a Docker container or go to the releases and download the zip of the latest one and run it on the command line using ./TeslaMateAgile.

If you have used the TeslaMate Docker install guide you can simply add this section to the services: section of the docker-compose.yml file and change the variables as required:


    image: mattjeanes/teslamateagile:latest
    restart: always
      - DATABASE_USER=teslamate
      - DATABASE_PASS=secret
      - DATABASE_NAME=teslamate
      - DATABASE_HOST=database
      - TeslaMate__UpdateIntervalSeconds=300
      - TeslaMate__GeofenceId=1
      - TeslaMate__EnergyProvider=Octopus
      - Octopus__RegionCode=A # Octopus Energy only
      - Tibber__AccessToken=abc123 # Tibber only

See below for how to configure the environment variables appropriately

Required environment variables

- TeslaMate__UpdateIntervalSeconds=300 # Check for completed charges without a set cost every x seconds
- TeslaMate__GeofenceId=1 # You can get this by editing the Geofence inside TeslaMate and getting it from the url 

Octopus Energy

- TeslaMate__EnergyProvider=Octopus
- Octopus__RegionCode=A # See below Octopus Region Code section


- TeslaMate__EnergyProvider=Tibber
- Tibber__AccessToken=abc123 # See below Tibber Access Token section

Fixed Price

- TeslaMate__EnergyProvider=FixedPrice
- FixedPrice__TimeZone=Europe/London # IANA (tz database) time zone code, used for below times 
- FixedPrice__Prices__0=08:00-13:00=0.1559 # Cost is in your currency e.g. pounds, euros, dollars (not pennies, cents, etc)
- FixedPrice__Prices__1=13:00-20:00=0.05 # You can have as many as these as you need
- FixedPrice__Prices__2=20:00-03:30=0.04
- FixedPrice__Prices__3=03:30-06:00=0.035
- FixedPrice__Prices__4=06:00-08:00=0.02


- TeslaMate__EnergyProvider=Awattar
- Awattar__VATMultiplier=1.00 # Optional (default: 1.19), you should not need to set this unless your VAT differs from the default


- TeslaMate__EnergyProvider=Energinet
- Energinet__Region=YYYYY # See below Energinet regions section
- Energinet__Currency=DKK # See below Energinet currencies section
- Energinet__VAT=1.25 # Optional: VAT multiplier. In this example 25%
- Energinet__FixedPrices__TimeZone=Europe/Copenhagen # Optional: IANA (tz database) time zone code, used for below times 
- Energinet__FixedPrices__Prices__0=00:00-17:00=0.1432 # Optional: You can have as many as these as you need
- Energinet__FixedPrices__Prices__1=17:00-20:00=0.3983
- Energinet__FixedPrices__Prices__2=20:00-00:00=0.1432

Optional environment variables

- Logging__LogLevel__Default=Debug # Enables debug logging, useful for seeing exactly how a charge was calculated
- Logging__Console__FormatterName=simple # This and the below env var will prepend a timestamp to every log message the same way TeslaMate does
- "Logging__Console__FormatterOptions__TimestampFormat=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff " # See above env var
- TeslaMate__FeePerKilowattHour=0.25 # Adds a flat fee per kWh, useful for certain arrangements (default: 0)

Database connection

You also need to configure the database connection to the TeslaMate PostgreSQL database, you can do this either by supplying a PostgreSQL connection string directly or by using the same ones used by TeslaMate in the docker-compose.yml

- DATABASE_HOST=database
- DATABASE_NAME=teslamate
- DATABASE_USER=teslamate
- DATABASE_PORT=5432 # Optional (default: 5432)

OR (not recommended)

- ConnectionStrings__TeslaMate=Host=database;Database=teslamate;User Id=teslamate;Password=secret;

Energy provider setup

Octopus Region Code

Electricity tariffs in Octopus Energy are separated into multiple regions depending on where you live, in order to find your code you can use one of two methods:

  1. Go to https://octopus.energy/dashboard/developer/
  2. Under Unit Rates, just before 'standard-unit-rates' in the URL provided there is a letter, this is your region code
  3. For example in https://api.octopus.energy/v1/products/AGILE-18-02-21/electricity-tariffs/E-1R-AGILE-18-02-21-A/standard-unit-rates/ your region code is A

Or if you're familar with curl / postman / etc

  1. Call GET https://api.octopus.energy/v1/industry/grid-supply-points?postcode=POSTCODEHERE
  2. You will get a response with "group_id": "_A" for example, A is your region code

Tibber Access Token

Tibber requires users to supply their access token to provide pricing information for their tarriff. It is only used to query tarriff information and at no point does TeslaMateAgile request or access any data related to consumption or any account details. You can find the related code here.

You can acquire this token here: https://developer.tibber.com/settings/accesstoken


Energinet regions

Currently available areas are DK1, DK2, NO2, SE3, SE4

Energinet currencies

Valid currency options are DKK (Danish Krone) or EUR (Euro)


Prices on Energinet appear to be without VAT so this defines a multiplier to be applied before using the price for further calculations.

Fixed prices

Support for this is added for accommodating different transmission charges, taxes, etc. This will be added to the price reported from Energinet's API.


Recalculating charge costs

In some cases you may want to tell TeslaMateAgile to recalculate a particular charge, to do this you need to set the cost column in the charging_processes table in the TeslaMate PostgreSQL database to NULL for the charges you want to recalculate.

You should filter this by a particular charge id or by geofence_id if you want to recalculate everything. To find a particular charge id, look in the URL when viewing it in Grafana, it should be on the end of the URL: ...&var-charging_process_id=xxx.

TeslaMate has a guide on manually fixing data here: https://docs.teslamate.org/docs/maintenance/manually_fixing_data

Common SQL queries

Recalculate charge costs for a particular charge: UPDATE charging_processes SET cost=NULL WHERE id={ChargeId} Recalculate charge costs for all charges at your GeofenceId: UPDATE charging_processes SET cost=NULL WHERE geofence_id={GeofenceId}

Please be careful when running SQL queries against your TeslaMate database as they may result in permanent data loss. Take a backup of your database before if you're not sure.

Docker support

This project is available on Docker