
:rocket: Create a workflow (simple or complex) with Marvin.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status: Linux Build Status: Windows Coverage Status GitHub license PRs Welcome

Create a workflow (simple or complex) with Marvin.

The project is still in beta phase.



With yarn:

yarn add marvin-cli
// or
yarn global add marvin-cli

With npm:

npm install marvin-cli
// or
npm install marvin-cli --global


// .marvin on project folder

copy /path/oldFile /path/newFile
move /path/earth /path/mars

On terminal:

$ marvin


$ marvin --help

  Usage: marvin [options] [file ...]

  Create a complex workflow in a simpler way


    -v, --version   output the version number
    -d --dir <dir>  root directory where files marvins will be search
    -h, --help      output usage information


    init        create a .marvin.yml. case the command is global, the file will created on $HOME, otherwhise on project root
    add         add a packet to .marvin.yml
    help [cmd]  display help for [cmd]

  How use the Marvin, step-by-step:

     1. : Create um file with name .marvin and these content below

          $content = watch ./src/file --async {
            log file changed

     2. : Run the file



No, is not a new programming language, is only a script, with objective to help create a workflow on day to day. Without panic, of course.

How is the syntax?

Read this doc.


Read this doc.


Do you have more doubts? Please, open a issue and we will discuss :)

How create a new plugin?

Please take a look at this boilerplate.

What is a packet?

Is a package with set of plugins.

How create a new packet?

Please take a look at this boilerplate.

How add a packet?

  marvin add packet your-packet /path/packet


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

MIT © Carlos Alexandre Fuechter