
🍯 Syntactic sugar for Moya

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Swift Build Status CocoaPods

Syntactic sugar for Moya.


Moya is an elegant network abstraction layer which abstracts API endpoints gracefully with enum. However, it would become massive when the application is getting larger. Whenever you add an endpoint, you should write code at least 5 places: enum case, method, path, parameters and parameterEncoding property. It makes you scroll down again and again. Besides, if you would like to set different HTTP header fields, you should customize endpointClosure of MoyaProvider.

If you're as lazy as I am, MoyaSugar is for you.

At a Glance

Forget about method, path, parameters, parameterEncoding and endpointClosure. Use route, params, httpHeaderFields instead.

extension MyService: SugarTargetType {
  var route: Route {
    return .get("/me")

  var params: Parameters? {
    return JSONEncoding() => [
      "username": "devxoul",
      "password": "****",

  var httpHeaderFields: [String: String]? {
    return ["Accept": "application/json"]

Use MoyaSugarProvider instead of MoyaProvider.

let provider = MoyaSugarProvider<MyService>()
let provider = RxMoyaSugarProvider<MyService>() // If you're using Moya/RxSwift

Complete Example

import Moya
import Moyasugar

enum GitHubAPI {
  case url(String)
  case userRepos(owner: String)
  case createIssue(owner: String, repo: String, title: String, body: String?)
  case editIssue(owner: String, repo: String, number: Int, title: String?, body: String?)

extension GitHubAPI : SugarTargetType {

  /// method + path
  var route: Route {
    switch self {
    case .url(let urlString):
      return .get(urlString)

    case .userRepos(let owner):
      return .get("/users/\(owner)/repos")

    case .createIssue(let owner, let repo, _, _):
      return .post("/repos/\(owner)/\(repo)/issues")

    case .editIssue(let owner, let repo, let number, _, _):
      return .patch("/repos/\(owner)/\(repo)/issues/\(number)")

  var url: URL {
    switch self {
    case .url(let urlString):
      return URL(string: urlString)!
      return self.defaultURL
  /// encoding + parameters
  var params: Parameters? {
    switch self {
    case .url:
      return nil

    case .userRepos:
      return nil

    case .createIssue(_, _, let title, let body):
      return JSONEncoding() => [
        "title": title,
        "body": body,

    case .editIssue(_, _, _, let title, let body):
      // Use `URLEncoding()` as default when not specified
      return [
        "title": title,
        "body": body,

  var httpHeaderFields: [String: String]? {
    return [
      "Accept": "application/json"



  • protocol SugarTargetType

    - extension GitHubAPI: TargetType
    + extension GitHubAPI: SugarTargetType
  • var route: Route

    Returns Route which contains HTTP method and URL path information.

    - var method: Method { get }
    - var path: String { get }
    + var route: Route { get }


    var route: Route {
      return .get("/me")
  • var url: URL

    Returns the request URL. It retuens defaultURL as default, which is the combination of baseURL and path. Implement this property to return custom url. See #6 for detail.

  • var params: Params?

    Returns Parameters which contains parameter encoding and values.

    - var parameters: [String: Any]? { get }
    + var params: Params? { get }


    var params: Parameters? {
      return JSONEncoding() => [
        "username": "devxoul",
        "password": "****",
  • var httpHeaderField: [String: String]?

    Returns HTTP header values. nil for default.


    var httpHeaderFields: [String: String]? {
      return ["Accept": "application/json"]


Same with Moya


  • Using CocoaPods:

    pod 'MoyaSugar', '~> 0.3'
    pod 'MoyaSugar/RxSwift', '~> 0.3' # Use with RxSwift

MoyaSugar currently doesn't cupport Carthage and Swift Package Manager.


MoyaSugar is under MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.