
IntelliJ IDEA plugin for converting Java properties to and from database fields.

Primary LanguageJava

Have you ever changed the properties of the entities in the project and found that these properties need to be synchronized with the database, or after modifying the

properties of the table in the database, you find that you need to synchronize the properties in the entities of the project? We know that in Java, the attributes of

entities are raised, such as todayCurrentDateTime, and the attributes of tables in the database are underlined, such as today_current_date_time, the plug-in is used to

convert database fields into Java object attributes, and match the hump attribute with the underlined name.

This plugin for converter Database field and Java object property

Getting Started

Outline the key steps for getting started, such as how to install the plugin and configure it. Also, indicate if your plugin has any complementary or conflicting plugins. Use HTML tags to add formatting.

For example:

1.Install a compatible JetBrains IDE, such as IntelliJ IDEA, CLion, PyCharm, or other IntelliJ-based IDEs

2.Launch the IDE and open plugin settings

3.Search for "FieldConverter" and click install