
This is an Ansible Galaxy meta-role of sorts to install and manage a sample Home Theatre PC (HTPC) setup.

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Build Status Ansible Galaxy License

This is an Ansible Galaxy meta-role of sorts to install and manage a sample Home Theatre PC (HTPC) setup.

The goal of this project is to demonstrate how one could use Ansible to wire together the components needed for an HTPC setup. Wiring all the pieces together has traditionally been the hardest part so hopefully this will make things easier.


  • SABnzbd binary newsgroup downloader
  • SickRage video library manager for TV shows
  • CouchPotato PVR and video library manager for Movies
  • Plex media server for movies, TV shows, music, etc
  • nginx frontend proxy with Google authentication (via OAuth2 Proxy)
  • All designed to be wired together on an Ubuntu 14.04 server


  1. You will need a domain to host this under - this setup uses htpc-sample.example.org as the example. Update the htpc_dns_hostname variable with your domain.

  2. The default setup here uses Google authentication so you will need to register an OAuth Web Application (instructions here) and note the Client ID and Client Secret. (corresponding variables htpc_oauth_client_id and htpc_oauth_client_secret)

    You are not restricted to using the Google authentication provider, there are other valid options too! Do remember to adjust the oauth2_proxy_cli_args variable should you choose this route.

  3. Generate a random 32-byte string using:

    $ date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 32 ; echo

    Use this value as your htpc_oauth_cookie_secret.

  4. Obtain an https TLS certificate for the domain you chose (htpc_dns_hostname). Update the htpc_tls_cert and htpc_tls_cert_key variables with your certficiate and private key (respectively).

Role Variables

The htpc specific role variables are all specified in defaults/main.yml while the role-specific meta variables are in meta/main.yml.


Install this module from Ansible Galaxy into the './roles' directory:

ansible-galaxy install marvinpinto.htpc -p ./roles

Use it in a playbook as follows:

- hosts: ''
  become: true
    - role: 'marvinpinto.htpc'
      htpc_dns_hostname: 'htpc-sample.example.org'
      htpc_oauth_client_id: 'your-client-id'
      htpc_oauth_client_secret: 'your-client-secret'
      htpc_oauth_cookie_secret: 'N2U2NTI0NzljNjc2Y2VmNGVlZDZmMDg5'
      htpc_authorized_users_emails: |
      htpc_tls_cert: |
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----
      htpc_tls_cert_key: |
        -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
        -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

Post-setup Configuration


  1. Navigate over to /sabnzbd in your browser and follow the initial wizard setup.

  2. In /sabnzbd/config/general/, you probably want to Disable API-key (not needed since it's running behind OAuth2 Proxy).

  3. In /sabnzbd/config/folders/:

  • Temporary Download Folder: /opt/downloads/sabnzbd-incomplete
  • Completed Download Folder: /opt/downloads/misc
  • Permissions for completed downloads: 777
  • Scripts folder: /opt/nzbtomedia
  1. In /sabnzbd/config/categories/:
  • Movie Processing:

    • Category: movies
    • Script: nzbToCouchPotato.py
    • Folder/Path: /opt/downloads/unprocessed/movies
  • TV Processing:

    • Category: tv
    • Script: nzbToSickBeard.py
    • Folder/Path: /opt/downloads/tv
  • Audio Processing:

    • Category: audio
    • Script: nzbToHeadPhones.py
    • Folder/Path: /opt/downloads/unprocessed/audio
  1. In /sabnzbd/config/switches/:
  • Action when encrypted RAR is downloaded: abort
  • Action when unwanted extension detected: abort
  • Unwanted extensions: exe, com
  • Post-Process Only Verified Jobs: off
  • Ignore Samples: on
  • Cleanup List: nfo, sfv
  1. In /sabnzbd/config/special/:
  • empty_postproc: on


  1. Stop the SickRage service:
$ service sickrage stop
  1. Allow nginx to proxy requests to SickRage
$ sed -i 's/^web_root = ""/web_root = \/sickrage/g' /opt/config/sickrage-config/config.ini
$ sed -i 's/^handle_reverse_proxy = 0/handle_reverse_proxy = 1/g' /opt/config/sickrage-config/config.ini
  1. Misc. other SickRage settings
$ sed -i 's/^use_failed_downloads = 0/use_failed_downloads = 1/g' /opt/config/sickrage-config/config.ini
$ sed -i 's/^log_nr = 5/log_nr = 1/g' /opt/config/sickrage-config/config.ini
$ sed -i 's/^auto_update =.*/auto_update = 0/g' /opt/config/sickrage-config/config.ini
$ sed -i 's/^version_notify =.*/version_notify = 0/g' /opt/config/sickrage-config/config.ini
$ sed -i 's/^naming_pattern =.*/naming_pattern = %S.N.S%0SE%0E.%E.N/g' /opt/config/sickrage-config/config.ini
$ sed -i 's/^web_host =.*/web_host =' /opt/config/sickrage-config/config.ini
  1. Start the SickRage service:
$ service sickrage start


  1. Stop the CouchPotato service:
$ service couchpotato stop
  1. Allow nginx to proxy requests to CouchPotato
$ sed -i 's/^url_base =.*/url_base = \/couchpotato/g' /opt/config/couchpotato-config/settings.conf
$ sed -i 's/^show_wizard =.*/show_wizard = 0/g' /opt/config/couchpotato-config/settings.conf
  1. Add the following key/value under the [core] section in /opt/config/couchpotato-config/settings.conf
host =
  1. Start the CouchPotato service:
$ service couchpotato start
  1. Navigate over to /couchpotato/settings/general in your browser and disable periodic update checking.

  2. In /couchpotato/settings/renamer:

  • Rename Downloaded Movies: Enabled
  • Run Every: 0
  • From: /opt/downloads/unprocessed/movies
  • To: /opt/downloads/movies
  • Force Every: 24
  • Clenaup: Enabled
  • Next On Failed: Disabled
  • Make a note of your API Key and update the htpc_couchpotato_api_key variable with this value
  1. In /couchpotato/settings/downloaders:
  • Sabnzbd: Enabled
  • Host:
  • Category: movies
  • Remove NZB: enabled
  • Delete Failed: enabled

Plex Media Server

Since Plex only allows administrative actions to be initiated from a local subnet, you will need to create an SSH tunnel to your host machine for the initial setup. Note that this only needed for the initial setup.


In its general form, this SSH command looks something like this:

ssh ip.address.of.server -L 8888:localhost:32400

Then browsing over to http://localhost:8888/web should allow you to configure your Plex app.

In a vagrant environment, that ssh command looks something like:

ssh \
  -p <Port> \
  -i <IdentityFile> \
  -L 8888:localhost:32400 \

Where Port, IdentityFile, User, and HostName can all be found by running:

vagrant ssh-config

More information available on the Plex Installation Docs.


  1. Stop the Headphones service:
$ service headphones stop
  1. Allow nginx to proxy requests to Headphones
sed -i 's/^http_root =.*/http_root = \/headphones/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^http_host =.*/http_host =' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
  1. Misc. config options
sed -i 's/^music_encoder =.*/music_encoder = 1/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^preferred_quality =.*/preferred_quality = 1/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^rename_files =.*/rename_files = 1/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^folder_format =.*/folder_format = $Type/$Artist/$Album [$Year]/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^move_files =.*/move_files = 1/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^cleanup_files =.*/cleanup_files = 1/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^embed_album_art =.*/embed_album_art = 1/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^destination_dir =.*/destination_dir = \/opt\/downloads\/audio/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^download_dir =.*/download_dir = \/opt\/downloads\/unprocessed\/audio/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^launch_browser =.*/launch_browser = 0/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^api_key =.*/api_key = YOURAPIKEY/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^encoder_multicore =.*/encoder_multicore = 1/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^api_enabled =.*/api_enabled = 1/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^correct_metadata =.*/correct_metadata = 1/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^encoder =.*/encoder = libav/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^download_scan_interval =.*/download_scan_interval = 0/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^bitrate =.*/bitrate = 256/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^wait_until_release_date =.*/wait_until_release_date = 1/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^embed_lyrics =.*/embed_lyrics = 1/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^encoderoutputformat =.*/encoderoutputformat = m4a/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^sab_host =.*/sab_host = http:\/\/' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^sab_category =.*/sab_category = audio/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^sab_apikey =.*/sab_apikey = sabapi1234/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^songkick_enabled =.*/songkick_enabled = 0/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^log_dir =.*/log_dir = \/opt\/config\/headphones-config\/logs/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^include_extras =.*/include_extras = 1/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
sed -i 's/^extras =.*/extras = 8/g' /opt/config/headphones-config/config.ini
  1. Start the Headphones service:
$ service headphones start


Use the supplied Vagrantfile for local development and testing.

$ vagrant up --provision