Edie Homepage

Edie Homepage

Solution for a challenge from devChallenges.io.

Table of Contents

  • Overview
    • Built With
  • Features
  • Contact



  • Live demo can be found here: https://devchallenges-edie-homepage.vercel.app
  • The webpage was relatively easy to develop using Angular framework.
  • I used Angular 11, HTML5, SCSS, CSS Grid and media queries to make the page responsive for mobile devices.

Built With


This webpage was created as a submission to a DevChallenges (https://www.devchallenges.io/challenges) challenge. The challenge (https://devchallenges.io/challenges/xobQBuf8zWWmiYMIAZe0) was to build a webpage that satisfies the following user stories:

  • User story: I can see a page following the given design
  • User story: I can see a page on mobile following the given design
  • User story: I can go to certain locations by selecting links in navigation or footer
