A tool to mass disenchant champion shards and other League of Legends loot.
- afieldi
- AndresIturria
- DarkIntaqtStudent
- DoliTVD
- DragiboOIIM Digital School
- ericksantos12São Paulo, SP
- esneiderfjaimesSii Group
- flitzfa
- FLIU253Toronto, ON, Canada
- HappyClownn
- HugoDs21Dellent Consulting
- ImOlliSHD
- JaccouilleParis
- josephisticated
- Laraakaa@Swisscom
- lucas98sf@TwoBitSolutionsLLC
- Lysozyme
- MaNeRz
- marvinschamGermany
- matheusjkl1VilaApps
- miqheil
- pedroolson
- perduta@Growbots
- PixelHirPoland
- sabihismail
- tacomasterxHere
- tHanos-nYx
- Titozzz@Brigad
- TOBlAS42 Lyon
- tsunamihorseracing
- tugdualnicolasTugdual
- tumeden
- WicCaesarRio de Janeiro
- witheria
- xAdSFx
- YayoAstur