
Online Food Ordering System Website using basic PHP, MYSQL, JS, HTML & CSS

Primary LanguagePHP


The website allows users to browse and order food from resturant online. It includes user authentication, display of food categories and products, search functionality, and order page. Additionally, there is an admin panel for managing admins,orders, food, and food categories.


To run this food website, you need the following software and technologies: Web server (e.g. Chrome), PHP, MySQL or any suitable database, HTML/CSS/JS.


  1. Clone the repository or download the source code.

  2. Create a database in MySQL and import the provided SQL schema to set up the database structure.

  3. Configure the database connection in the "cn\constants.php" file.

  4. Upload the code to your web server's root directory.

  5. Access the website through a web browser

User Authentication

Users can sign up for a new account and sign in using their email and password.

Passwords are securely hashed and stored in the database.

User sessions are managed to track authenticated users