
clone the jobbatical website as part of Chingu Voyage project to demonstrate the use of MERN stack

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Clone the jobbatical website as part of Chingu Voyage

The MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) is used for this project with hot reloading enabled for both client side and server side modules in development


Check out our live website JobsOnTheGo



Since this application supports login using Facebook/Google accounts, FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID, FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET, GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET need to be set as environment variables before starting the server. You can specify them in the .env file in development. For more details about how to obtain them, please refer to Facebook's and Google's website


npm run build:client  # build the client app for production
npm run build:server  # build the server app for production
npm run clean         # remove all compiled assets
npm run build         # clean && build:client && build:server
npm run dev           # start the development server
                      # MONGO_URL should be correctly set in the
                      # environment before running this command
                      # default: mongodb://localhost:27017/jobbatical-clone
npm run lint          # lint all source code statically
npm run populate-db   # populate mongodb with demo data
npm start             # start the production server
                      # need to build first
npm test              # run tests
npm run test:watch    # run tests and watch for changes in files
npm run test:coverage # run tests and generate coverage report


api/job                   # list all jobs
api/job/keyword/:keyword  # list jobs matching keyword(engineer, designer, etc...)
api/job/region/:region    # list jobs matching region(Asia, North Amercia, etc...)

Main contributors
