
Go Download Protocol Proxy

Primary LanguageGo


GDP implements a real-time Go Download Protocol over code hosting APIs. It supports both tagged and untagged modules. It streams modules directly from code hosting APIs into cmd/go without having to store anything.

You can use the gdp implementation programtically or you can use the server in cmd/gdp to test out the functionality against vgo or cmd/go by setting the GOPROXY env var to to http://localhost:8090

Currently GDP supports Github, Bitbucket and Gopkg.in, and vanity imports that lead to github/bitbucket.


Create a test a repo outside of GOPATH with the following two files

// main.go

package main

import (
	_ "bitbucket.org/ww/goautoneg"
	_ "github.com/NYTimes/gizmo"
	_ "github.com/marwan-at-work/gdp"
	_ "github.com/pkg/errors"
	_ "gopkg.in/yaml.v2"

func main() {}
// go.mod
module github.com/myuser/mytest

Then run GOPROXY=http://localhost:8090 go build


You should always pass -token to cmd/gdp to get around GitHub's rate limiting.

If you are building a package that's none of the APIs mentioned above (such as golang.org/x/...), the proxy returns a 404. You can alternatively give cmd/gdp a -redirect flag so that you can redirect to another GOPROXY such as Athens.