
A simple client for https://index.golang.org

Primary LanguageGo

Go Index

A simple client for https://index.golang.org


go get marwan.io/goindex


var c Client // the zero value is ready to be used
moduleVersions, err := c.Get(context.Background(), time.Time{}, 0)
// check err
for _, mv := range moduleVersions {
    fmt.Println(mv.Path, mv.Version)

You can use the second argument to specify a "since" argument, or you can call next on the response to get the next paginated list:

var c Client // the zero value is ready to be used
moduleVersions, err := c.Get(context.Background(), time.Time{}, 0)
// check err
nextList, err := moduleVersions.Next(context.Background(), &c)
// ...


Quite simple and early, breaking changes might occur.