
Coding Challenge Laravel/VueJs application

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Coding Challenge Laravel/VueJs application

Check the link below for the test details

What I get done in 4 hours of realising

  • ✅ Register of the user
  • ✅ Login of the user
  • ✅ Offer the user to update password
  • ✅ Add item including (title, description and image)
  • ✅ Listing items
  • ✅ Register of the user from command line (command below)

$ php artisan register:user

What I get done after the test time

  • ✅ Change password of the user from command line (command below)

$ php artisan chpwd:user

  • ✅ Be able to seed fake data (10000 items / 100 users) from the command line. (command below)

$ php artisan db:seed

  • ⚙️ Ability to add image into items (solved)
  • ⚙️ Listing items while scrolling (solved)
  • 📓 Be able to change a user password from the command line. (solved)
  • 📓 Be able to seed fake data (10000 items / 100 users) from the command line. (solved)

What I have to do next

  • 📓 Write some unit tests

How to use this project

👌Make sure you have npm and composer on your local machine

  1. Clone this repository and cd into it
  2. Run composer install and npm install to download laravel dependencies
  3. Set up your database in your .env (use .env.example as template)
  4. Run php artisan migrate to build your database with tables
  5. Execute npm run dev to build project assets
  6. Execute php artisan serve to run the project in your browser

Important note

📝 I realise this project after 5 days of learning Laravel, I use my NodeJS knwoledge to get into it. So I want to express how I am thankful to @NextmediaMa for this challenge 🙏

Update! Now I complet 13 days of laravel 🙏