
My Learning Journal in Hacktiv8 Bootcamp Phase 0

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Hacktiv8 - Learning Journal Phase 0

This Repository is My Learning Journal in Hacktiv8 Bootcamp Phase 0

Topic of Subject :

  • Introduction to Data Science and Toolbox
  • Python : Data Types, Variables and Operators
  • Git & Github
  • Python : Conditionals and Loops
  • Python : Functions, Modules and Packages
  • Python : Numpy
  • Python : Pandas Basic
  • Python : Solving Cases
  • Vector
  • Matrix
  • Eigen Decomposition
  • Calculus Derivative
  • Calculus Integral
  • Database and SQL Basic
  • Database and SQL (Groupby and Join) & GCP
  • Probability and Distribution
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Practical Statistics : Descriptive with SQL
  • Inferential Statistics
  • Web Scrapping
  • Data Visualization
  • Interactive Data Visualization
  • Data Story Telling

Instructors :