
Repository of Hacktiv8 Milestone Project Phase 0 Interactive Data Visualization, Statistic Descriptive, Statistic Inferential, Streamlit and Deployment to Heroku

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Milestone 1 - Hakctiv8 Phase 0 Final Project

This Repository is a Hacktiv8 Milestone - Final Project Phase 0 of Interactive Data Visualization, Statistic Descriptive, Statistic Inferential, Streamlit and Deployment to Heroku

Project topic : Statistic Descriptive, Statistic Inferential, SQL, BigQuery, Interactiv Data Visualization, Streamlit, Deployment, Heroku

Project Assignment : "Departemen Pengawasan Lalu Lintas Kementerian Perhubungan Amerika Serikat ingin mengetahui kondisi kasus kecelakaan yang terjadi di jalan selama tahun 2016 yang berguna untuk diterapkan kebijakan baru supaya dapat mengurangi angka kecelakaan di kemudian hari. Dataset yang digunakan : nhtsa_traffic_fatalities di Google Cloud Platform BigQuery."

Source of the dataset is from Google Cloud Big Query. You can open the dataset on Google Cloud Platform, then go to BigQuery, open tab bigquery-public-data or click this bigquery-public-data.

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