
The repository that contains the AirBnB clone - The console .

Primary LanguagePython


The repository that contains the AirBnB clone - The console.


[Marwa Sabon]

[Okibe Onmeje]

Project Description:

The project aims to create a command interpreter for managing AirBnB objects. It will allow users to interact with AirBnB objects such as places, users, reviews, and amenities. The command interpreter will provide a set of commands to create, update, delete, and display these objects.

Description of the Command Interpreter:

The command interpreter is a command-line interface that allows users to interact with AirBnB objects through a set of commands. It will provide the following functionalities:

Create new objects (places, users, reviews, amenities) Update existing objects Delete objects Display objects Search and filter objects based on specific criteria Save and load data to/from a file

How to Start the Command Interpreter:

To start the command interpreter, follow these steps:

Open the terminal or command prompt. Navigate to the directory where the command interpreter is located. Run the command interpreter script.

How to Use the Command Interpreter:

Once the command interpreter is running, you can use the following commands to manage AirBnB objects:

help: Display the list of available commands and their descriptions.
create <object_type>: Create a new object of the specified type (e.g., place, user, review, amenity).
update <object_type> <object_id>: Update the attributes of an existing object.
destroy <object_type> <object_id>: Delete an existing object.
show <object_type> <object_id>: Display the attributes of an existing object.
all <object_type>: Display all objects of the specified type.
search <object_type>  : Search for objects of the specified type that match the given attribute-value pair.
quit: Exit the command interpreter.