💳 Credit Card Checker

Credit Card Checker is a challenge project from Codecademy's Front End Engineer Career Path. It is a JavaScript program that validates credit card numbers using the Luhn algorithm, identifies invalid card numbers, and returns the credit card companies that may have issued them. The starter code included 15 arrays: 5 valid credit card numbers, 5 invalid credit card numbers, and 5 undetermined, and a nested array of these 15 arrays.

🛠️ Installation

To install my solution to the Credit Card Checker project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine using git clone https://github.com/mary-brooks/credit-card-checker.git
  2. Open the project directory in your code editor of choice.

👩‍💻 Usage

To use my solution to the Credit Card Checker project, follow these steps:

  1. Open the main.js file in your code editor.
  2. Call the validateCred() function with a credit card number as an argument to check if it is valid.
  3. Call the findInvalidCards() function with a nested array of credit card numbers as an argument to identify the invalid cards.
  4. Call the idInvalidCardCompanies() function with an array of invalid cards as an argument to identify the companies that may have issued them.

⭐ Features

My solution to the Credit Card Checker project has the following features:

  • Validates credit card numbers using the Luhn algorithm
  • Identifies invalid credit card numbers
  • Returns the credit card companies that may have issued invalid cards

⚡ Technologies Used

My solution to the Credit Card Checker project was built using the following technologies:

  • JavaScript
  • Git

💬 Feedback

Thank you for taking the time to look at my project solution! I welcome constructive feedback and suggestions - Let's chat! You can reach me at: maryemmabrooks@gmail.com