Blackjack is a User versus Dealer type of card game.
- The User receives 2 cards and those card values are shown.
- The Dealer receives 2 cards and only the second card value is shown.
- The User has two options: press a button to HIT or another button to STAND.
- If the User selects hit, the User receives a card from the deck.
- If the User's sum is under 21 the User has the option to HIT or STAND again.
- If the sum of the User's cards are over 21 the User is BUST and the Dealer wins.
- If the User picks STAND, the Dealer reveals both of their cards.
- If the sum of the Dealer's cards are above or equal to the value of 17, the Dealer automatically STANDS.
- If not, the Dealer HITS until at or above 17.
- If the sum of the Dealer's cards are greater than 21 the Dealer is BUST and the User wins.
- If the sum of the User's cards are greater than that of the Dealer's cards without exceeding 21, the User wins.
- If the sum of the Dealer's cards are greater than that of the User's cards without exceeding 21, the Dealer wins.
- Game reveals winner to User.
The display of the game when the User first starts the game.
- Javascript
- DevTools
- The ace will have an additional option to have the value 11.
- The Win and lose outputs with additional css styling.