
This repository aims to leverage pretrained neural networks for predicting node labels in molecular graphs, with a focus on fine-tuning for molecular property prediction tasks. The dataset used for this purpose is Zinc.

Primary LanguagePython

Comparison of Deep Learning Models for Molecular Property Prediction Using the ZINC Dataset

1. Objective

The primary goal of this work is to compare different deep learning models for molecular property prediction using the ZINC dataset.

2. Methodology

Dataset: The ZINC dataset is a collection of commercially available chemical compounds. It provides molecular structures and associated properties, which are used for training and evaluating the models.

Model Descriptions:

  • Model 1: GIN (Graph Isomorphism Network):
    • A GIN is designed to predict molecular properties directly from the graph representation of molecules.
  • Model 2: Pretrained and Fine-tuned Model:
    • This model is first pretrained on a node classification task to learn general features of molecular graphs.
    • It is then fine-tuned specifically for the property prediction task.
  • Model 3: Multitask Learning Model:
    • This model simultaneously learns two tasks: node classification and property prediction.
    • It shares some components between the tasks to leverage multitask learning benefits.

Code Attribution: This code is adapted from deepfindr/gnn-project.

3. Experimental Setup

Training and Validation:

  • The training procedure includes splitting the data into training, validation, and test sets.
  • Hyperparameters, loss functions, and optimization techniques are kept consistent across models for fair comparison.

Evaluation Metrics:

  • The primary evaluation metric is Mean Squared Error (MSE) for property prediction.

4. Results

Performance Comparison:

  • The following table summarizes the MSE results for all three models:
Model Mean Squared Error (MSE)
GIN 0.133
Pretrained and Fine-tuned 0.120
Multitask Learning 0.143
  • The pretrained and fine-tuned model achieved the lowest MSE.