
User space shell application that is capable of interpreting a FAT32 file system image called "mfs". The utility does not corrupt the file system image

Primary LanguageC


Programming Assignment for reading FAT32 File System for Operating Systems Created by Kolten Sturgill And Mary Huerta

This is a user space shell application that is capable of interpreting a FAT32 file system image called "mfs". The utility does not corrupt the file system image.

To compile:

g++ mfs.c -o mfs or by using the makefile located in this repo

At the start of the program it prints out a prompt of mfs> when it is ready to accept input. Note: this program shall supports relative paths and absolute paths.

The following commands are supported:

open <filename> Opens a fat32 image. Filenames of fat32 images shall not contain spaces.

close Closes the fat32 image.

info Prints out information about the file system

stat <filename> or <directory name> Prints the attributes and starting cluster number of the file or directory name.

get <filename> Retrieves the file from the FAT 32 image and place it in your current working directory.

cd <directory> Changes the current working directory to the given directory.

ls <directory> Lists the directory contents.

volume Prints the volume name of the file system image