I'll build a very junior version of Reddit called micro-reddit. In this project, I’ll build the data structures necessary to support link submissions and commenting. I won’t build a front end for it because I don’t need to… I can use the Rails console to play around with models without the overhead of making HTTP requests and involving controllers or views.
- Languages: Ruby
- Framework: RoR
- Plan out what data models you would need to allow users to be on the site (don’t worry about login/logout or securing the passwords right now), to submit links (“posts”), and to comment on links. Users do NOT need to be able to comment on comments… each comment refers to a Post.
- Generate a new rails app from the command line.
- Generate the User model and fill out the migration to get the columns you want.
- Run the migration.
For details on syntax and available methods Rails API Documentation
- Playing with validations
- Playing with Associations
👤 Author1
- Github: @maryfelmendoza
- Twitter: @maryfelmendoza
- Linkedin: maryfelmendoza
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- etc
This project is MIT licensed.