Mary's Pizza Parlor

This is a webpage that lets you order a custom pizza at Mary's Pizza Parlor

By Mary Marks

Technologies Used

*HTML *CSS *JQuery *JavaScript *GIT


This webpage lets you select your custom pizza and tells you much it will cost by using JavaScript constructors and prototypes.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Clone this repository to your desktop
  • Navigate to your devices desktop files and click the webpage link
  • View the webpage on your browser
  • Type your name in the "Name" box
  • Select your pizza size from the drop down menu
  • Check the appropriate boxes for your toppings
  • Click the "Submit Order" button
  • View the cost of your pizza

Known Bugs

  • Does not let you enter in more than one order




Describe: Pie()

Test: It should return a name when text is entered into the "Name" box Code: let name = "Bob" Expected Output: Bob

Test: It should create a new pizza object with a name, size and toppings Code: let pie = ("Bob", "Medium", "Pepperoni") Expected Output: Bob, Medium, Pepperoni

Describe: Pie.prototype.priceCal()

Test: It should set base prices for small, medium, large, and extra large Code: let pie = new pie ("medium") Expected Output: $20

Test: It should add 1 to the base price for each topping selected. Code: let pie = new pie ("medium", olives, pepperoni) Expected Output: $22