ES's Library

Ah, wanderer of words, welcome to this repository where the echoes of profound thoughts dance freely. The aim is not to conform but to question, to explore the realms of thought that challenge societal norms. Together, let's embark on a contemplative journey guided by the whispers of my beloved books.


Fellow seeker of wisdom and contemplation, in a world that often demands conformity, let us find solace and inspiration in the profound words of great thinkers. Come, read with me, and let the wisdom of these books illuminate our minds.

Volumes of Wisdom

  1. "Strait is the Gate"

    • A poignant exploration of the complexities of love and sacrifice by AndrĂ© Gide.
  2. "Notes from Underground"

    • Dostoevsky's descent into the labyrinth of the human psyche, exposing the contradictions that lie within.
  3. "No Longer Human"

    • Osamu Dazai's haunting narrative reflecting the alienation and existential struggles of a tortured soul.
  4. "The Myth of Sisyphus"

    • Albert Camus challenges us to find meaning in the face of life's absurdity, inviting us to embrace the absurd with defiance.
  5. "The Metamorphosis"

    • Franz Kafka's surreal masterpiece, unraveling the bizarre metamorphosis of a man into an insect, provoking contemplation on the human condition.
  6. "Demian"

    • Hermann Hesse's magnum opus, a journey of self-discovery, duality, and the eternal struggle within.

Guide to Contributions

Feel free to contribute by adding quotes from other philosophical books that align with the spirit of this project. Let's build a reservoir of wisdom for those who seek solace in contemplation.

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch:
    git checkout -b feature/new-quotes
  3. Commit your changes:
    git commit -am 'Add new quotes from [Book Title]'
  4. Push to the branch:
    git push origin feature/new-quotes
  5. Submit a pull request.