Linked Lists Implementations

This repository contains C language implementations of singly and doubly linked lists data structures. Additionally, there are exercises to reinforce your understanding of these fundamental data structures.

Table of Contents


Understanding linked lists data structures is crucial in computer science. This repository provides implementations of singly and doubly linked lists, which are dynamic data structures allowing efficient memory usage.

Implemented Data Structures

Singly Linked List

  • countNodes(Node *head): Count number of nodes in list.
  • insertBegin(Node **head, int d): Insert new node at the beginning of the list.
  • insertEnd(Node **head, int d): Insert new node at the end of the list.
  • insertPosition(Node **head, int position, int d): Insert new node at given position of the list.
  • deleteFirst(Node **head): Delete the first node in the list.
  • deleteLast(Node **head): Delete the last node in the list.
  • emptyList(Node **head): Empty all elements of the list.
  • deletePosition(Node **head, int position): Delete node at given position.
  • searchItem(Node *head, int key): Search for node with given key in the list.

Doubly Linked List

  • createDList(): Create a new doubly linked list.
  • createNode(int data): Create a new doubly linked list node.
  • addBeginDL(DList **list, int data): Add a new node to the beginning of the doubly linked list.
  • addEndDL(DList **list, int data): Add a new node to the end of the doubly linked list.
  • printDL(DList *list): Print the doubly linked list.
  • deleteBegDL(DList **list): Delete the first node of the doubly linked list.
  • deleteEndDL(DList **list): Delete the last node of the doubly linked list.
  • deleteKeyDL(DList **list, int key): Delete a node with a specific key from the doubly linked list.
  • searchKeyDL(DList *list, int key): Search for a node with a specific key in the doubly linked list.

Exercise Problems

How to Use

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd linked-lists-algo
  3. Compile the C files:

    gcc -o main *.c
  4. Run the program:
