Demonstrate how an iOS application could be build, signed and installed on any OS without the need of any SDK
- adals
- AntonitoBordeaux, France
- artisdomAuckland
- blacktop@maliceio
- choco@decentriq
- CrimsonPrince9
- englishmid3as (creators of Norsk)
- firestack
- fuel-pcbox
- fwcdKiel University
- grapt0lite
- Jack-D1
- jakibaki@famedly
- johnnyutahh
- johnwardResolutis Limited
- lorenzolewis@crabnebula-dev
- LouisLibreOff-Chain
- MiaourtFrance
- mrluanmaShanghai, China
- nikitavoloboevMadrid
- qexatCaen, Normandie
- swlkrnull island
- togetherwithasteria
- UnsafePointerBerlin, Germany
- vbe0201Germany
- vitali2y$HOME @ Ukraine @ Earth
- yonamineSão Paulo, Brazil