An open-source team portfolio project.
- Install GITbash
- Make a designated folder for the project
- Open Gitbash in the designated folder
- Use the following command to download the repository files into the designated folder:
GIT clone
- Navigate into the SDA project folder with :
cd SDA_js_2021/
- In order to open the project in VSCode, while in the designated folder, you can use :
code .
Dont work on main branch unless you know what you're doing. Make your own branch and save changes on that:
- How to create a branch
git branch branchNameHEre
- How to change to a different branch
$ git checkout <branch>
- You can check your saved changes
Git status
- Confirm your changes.
Git add .
- Commit your changes
Git commit -m"Comment"
NOTE : You are REQUIRED to add a comment in between the quotes;
- Push and run for dear life aka hope you dont get too many conflicts
Git push
Before live deploy.
Project has a LICENSE file with an open source license
Project has basic documentation (README, CONTRIBUTING, CODE_OF_CONDUCT)
The name is easy to remember, gives some idea of what the project does, and does not conflict with an existing project or infringe on trademarks
The issue queue is up-to-date, with issues clearly organized and labeled
Project uses consistent code conventions/Good Case Practices and some good design patterns like (KISS) and clear function/method/variable names
The code is clearly commented, documenting intentions and edge cases
There are no sensitive materials in the revision history, issues, or pull requests (for example, passwords or other non-public information)